A visit from Erich and the craft show~

We had the privilege of having Erich stay with us for a couple of nights.
He came in on Friday, say a hockey game on Saturday night and 
will go home today.
Kent loves when his family comes to visit.

I had Kinsley in the morning while Hannah went to spin class.
Kinsley and I went to the thrift store and she got a new book, Minnie mouse
outfit and a fanny pack.
The store was getting busy and she wanted everything, so we shopped
and left quickly.
Hannah, Kinsley, Kristin and I went to the craft show yesterday and
boy was it busy.
We got there close to 11:00am and the place was packed.
First time in a long time...well maybe since covid.
I think everyone was ready to have some crafts.
We stayed a short while and left to go have lunch at Red Robin.
Came home and visited with everyone, Brent came after his
tattoo appt. and then the boys left for the hockey game.
Today I need to do laundry and get some things pulled together
for our trip next week to Disneyland.
It's going to be awesome!!!



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