Planting of the tulips~

Tuesday October 24th I planted my tulip bulbs.
I got 3 packs, 1 white, 1 pink and 1 peppermint strip.
Our soil here is pretty clay like so I am hoping that they
will bloom nicely in the spring.

I also went to the thrift store in Thornton and got a couple of 
tea towels for more appliqué.
I came home and took Augie to the vet for his shots.
I wasn't very happy with the results since he really seemed to 
react to the shot or the way he was handled at the vet.
He was pretty spacey and slow and I could tell he
didn't feel good.
I gave him a remadyl and we went to bet at 8:00.
This morning he seems to be doing better.

I took Drew and Kinsley to Panda Express for dinner last night.
Hannah was flying in from San Diego and met up at our house.
Little boo wanted to cut paper so I sat down with her
and let her cut paper.

I tried to watch The Voice, but they had a repeat from Monday night first and
new episode at 8:00.  I couldn't make it that late so I am not sure who sang.

We are going to get some cooler weather this weekend, just in time for



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