Kinsley's vampire teeth and the cold snap~

She got new teeth!!!!
Drew sent me these pictures of her with her new purple teeth on.
They were a trunk or treat prize and she loves them.

I see Drew's dog in the background watching the whole thing.
It was a cold, but good Saturday.
I went with the kids to Costco to get a chicken and a meal for
this week.
Costco was packed, but it really moves right along and you never seem
to have to stand in line for too long.
Had a quiet afternoon and watched a Hallmark movie.
Had roasted chicken and potatoes for dinner and 
watched Kinsley while her parents went to a Halloween party.

Today it is cold again and snowing.
The dogs went potty on the patio and are now snuggled up 
on the couch with me.
Brent is going to the Bronco game...brrrrrrr, and Drew, Hannah and baby
are coming over for dinner tonight.
Looks like the cold weather is in most of the US.
We will have warm temps in LA this coming week while we are
at Disneyland.



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