Kristin and Charlee, and our family brunch and the dogs~

Yesterday (Sunday), Kristin, Kathryn and charlee went to the ya ya apple
orchard.  This was the very cute picture Kristin sent me of Charlee.
Such a cute little one!

We had the kids over for brunch.  I made a potato egg bake and coffee cake.
Brent brought Roxy and Max and they were really good dogs.

Sunny and Augie love Max so much.  Sunny usually cleans his mouth
and nose.  Augie thought her would join in this time.

Max has really grown into a good, gentle dog.

Such a cute profile.

The boys played golf yesterday while Noelle stayed here with me.
Hannah went to the store while Kinsley took a nap at our house.
When everyone left, I watch a special on Tanya Tucker.
Cried my eyes out.
It's always cleansing to cry and for some reason music 
is very cleansing for me.
Songs with lyrics that touch my heart and make me cry.
I am missing my mom and dad so much lately.
I guess I have come to the conclusion that they will never be 
with me except in spirit.
I see signs of them all the time, but I miss their physical bodies.
Today I have Kinsley and then Kent and I are headed to 
Estes Park for a few days.
I would like to take some geranium cuttings and 
place them in our southern windows.
Kinsley and I will go to the dollar store and get some glasses
to place the cuttings into.
It will be a good day!!!



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