Purpose of life and a full weekend ahead~

Awe, October is here and it is moving right along.
Kathryn and Derrick have been married for 6 years...yikes, where
did those years go.
Dad has been gone for 2 years and mom has been gone for 1 year.
Kinsley will be 2 1/2 in November.
Baby Walker will be here in December.
Kent is finally being seen for his back and prostate.
I have a neurology appt. in a couple of weeks and will try to see what's
going on with my head.
I try to be pretty quiet about it, but it bother's me daily and I hate that
I can't function without holding my right eye open or propping my neck up with
my hand.
4 years of this sensation is enough and it's time to get some answers.
I will venture out to the post office today and mail some tea towels to Bev Hunter.
I will bring my sewing upstairs and cut out a few more tea towels for the 
I will continue to clean out my car and get it ready for Brent to take possession. 
Augie has been having accidents in the house and I have ordered 
him some calming gummies to see if we can help
with his 
anxiety about whatever.
Today is Thursday and I have Kinsley tomorrow.
Saturday Kent and I will walk in the ALZ walk in Boulder.
We will take the dogs and hopefully make it around the 1 mile marker.
Sunday Brent and Noelle will be here to get the car.
Monday I have Kinsley again and then we head to Estes Park for
a few days.  Kristin and Mark will join us on Wednesday.
Mark will fish with Kent and Kristin and I will walk the town.
It's a full weekend. 



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