The forgotten gift~

This quote made me think of all the times I received a gift, and put it 
away for another day.
When we were going through my aunts house after she passed away,
we found gifts that we had given her, still in the wrapping paper and box.
She never used them.  I don't think she did it intentionally, I think she was 
just a very minimal person that she just used what she needed and
put away the rest.
I think we are all guilty of receiving a gift and never using it.
If someone takes the time to give you a gift, no matter how small, take it
and love it and take a picture with it and thank the person so much, and
enjoy their kindness...because someday when you are gone and
your family goes through your stuff, they will find the gift, and 
wonder why you never used it.
These are my thoughts on this Wednesday Oct. 18th, 2023.



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