2 months without mom and healing from surgery~

Supporting our Alz awareness with Spencer.
Thinking of you mom everyday.
Such an awful disease.
May there be a cure someday.

Brynn sitting with mom just days before she passed.

It was so hard to sit there and watch her slowly die.
We hope she was comfortable, but we aren't sure.
She was so tiny, so pale and so quiet.

Oh mom, 2 months without your little body.
I miss you everyday and I pray that you and dad are together in heaven.
Life without parents is a different life.

The stitches are out and I have some swelling around the site.  I get to take
the strips off on tuesday.  My appetite is good and I am feeling 
well and sleeping well.
We watched max yesterday while Brent got another tattoo.
He was a good dog and played with Sunny quite a bit.
I helped Drew with Kinsley on Sunday while he planted flowers and a tree.
Lunch was fish sandwich at Mc Donalds and dinner was a steak, salad and corn.
It was a good Sunday.



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