Car selfie and a walk at the rec center~

Nothing like a car selfie to prove to myself that I visited the rec center and
we had a little rain storm.

My scar is healing nicely.  

The clouds rolled in and we had a nice little rain shower.
I walked my 2 miles and then a little more.
I love walking and listening to music and processing my week.
I have slowly moved back into exercise and find it hard to really workout.
I love to walk, but I know I need a little bit more.
Watching Kinsley has me giving up my SS exercise group and
senior yoga.  Actually, Covid in the world had me 
missing yoga.
Someday I will get back into it, but for now, walking and watching the 
baby are my favorite things to do.
My UTI seems to be doing much better.  Antibiotic day 2 1/2 on board. 
Will find out my culture results today or Monday.
My cold has landed in my head.  Slight cough, but really doing pretty well.
Slept well last night until about 3:30am.  Got up at 4:30 and had coffee with Sunny
by my side.



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