Last day of May~

Awe....the last day of the month.  Continuing on my path to healing emotionally,
I took baby K to the rec center.  Along with lots of other mommies, I watched her
play on the equipment.
She loves to watch the older kids and try to imitate them.
I love watching her little wheels go around in her head as she 
navigates the surroundings.  
She watched the cleaning gal wipe off tables and pick up things
off the floor.  She watched her as if she knew her and wanted
so badly to go out and see her.

I had my preop appointment with Dr. L at 4:00.  Things are a go for Friday
to get my nodule out that continues to grow.
I pray for a successful surgery and that the surgeons use their skill to 
remove the nodule.  I pray for a quick recovery and for continued health
this summer.  I just have so much to do and so much to be thankful for.

May June bring lots of wonderful things.  
May the weather be awesome.
May the days be filled with fun and excitment.



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