New towels, sickness and feeling better~

Did a little thrift store sewing on Sunday.
Neither Kent nor I was feeling well so I took to the sewing machine and
made 2 towels and stitched a few more.
It always gives me a since of accomplishment to make a tea towel.

Little boo is finally feeling better.
Kent got the cold the worst.
Drew was sick.
I didn't feel well and Hannah got covid.
It's been a week here.

Yesterday was a fun day.  Little boo and I went on a walk before it got too hot.
She loves to go on a walk and personally, so do I.

We like to sit in the backyard when the shade is on the patio.
Yesterday was pretty warm so we went out after her afternoon nap.

Everything goes in her mouth.  Learning about the world one taste at a time.

This little boo will be 15 months in a couple of days.  Doesn't seem possible.

I think we are all on the mend.  What a virus!!!
Kent really got it bad.  Sent him to urgent care on Tuesday and he came
home with a bunch of medications.  They sound like they are working.
Here's to a better and healthier July.



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