This crazy world right now~

This world is crazy right now.
Prices are up.
Housing is hard to find, at least affordable housing.
Gas prices are sky high.
War, awful war.
The killing of innocent children. 
What have we done?
People are mean, they kill and they hurt others.
Laws and rules are being changed and it hurts most off of us that
have feelings one way or the other.
There is no right answer right now.  
I personally don't think things are going to change for a long time or
None of us know how to navigate this world right now.

I find myself walking at the rec center and listening to music from the 
60's.  It takes me back to a time that I remember being pretty good.
I would love to talk to my mom and dad about what is 
happening right now in the world.  I know I can talk to them at night
when I am drifting off to sleep, but I wish I could talk to them
in person.  I miss them so much.

I do pray, and I thank god, but things need to change and if god has
a hand in this world right now, he needs to lead us to making this
world a better place for all.



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