A quick update, a visit from Kristin and stitches out~

Day 4 post op and the neck is still looking pretty good.
However, on day 5, I started to have some swelling.

Drew, Hannah and Kinsley brought over some flowers.

I was feeling well enough to make cookies.

A little swelling, but I took my catheter out and I am feeling so much better.

Kent and I took Sunny on a little walk before it got too hot.

Kristin came and stayed with me on Thursday and Friday while Kent was out of town.

We took Kinsley to the park.

She loves the swing and playing at the park.

Lunch was mac and cheese and orange slices.

Still having some swelling and Dr. Leibovitz said it could last a few weeks.

After Kinsley's afternoon nap we played in the yard with bubbles.

We also made a make shift swimming pool and she loved it.

Ahhhhh, stitches out and sterile strips on for a week.
Moving right along through recovery.  



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