Tuesday June 14th and a walk in the rain~

Yesterday was a good day.  11 days post op and 1 day without steri strips.
Makes a difference in the feel of my neck to not have the Frankenstein strips on
my neck.

Kinsley and I went on a walk to the school park.  She liked the swing for a few
minutes and then she was done.
The clouds were thick and it started to rain on us.
About a quarter of the was home it stopped and we finished out walk in dry fashion.
My makeshift scarf worked to keep my scar from seeing the sun.

Lunch was refried beans and cheese and peaches.
This girl loves to ear!!!!

Her expressions crack me up.

Her eyes are sapphire blue and they melt my heart.

Sunny and I love to sit outside.  She in her chair and me in mine.
I love this dog with all my heart.  Such a sweet little dog.

She looks pretty when her coat is all puffed up.

Happy Flag Day Sunny May.



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