A little trip to FC, a visit with the angels, lunch with Murray and a brass plate~

We went and visited mom and dad yesterday.  We cleaned out the old flowers, and
cleaned up a little around the stone.

The babies are doing a great job looking out for mom and dad.
It's always so peaceful at the cemetery.

I love how the stone turned out.  

We met Murray for lunch at Serious Texas BBQ.
I had a smoked turkey sandwich, cheese potatoes and a coke.
The coke did a number on me as I had a hard time falling asleep last night.

This is what mom's plate will look like for her stone in Kansas.
We are booked to go to Newton the 30th of September.
At that time we will place Maridel and Dave in the ground and
check on mom and dad.

Spencer and Anthony sent us flowers yesterday as a housewarming gift.
So pretty and there were 2 sunflowers in the grouping.
Such a thoughtful gift from 2 very thoughtful guys.

There were severe storm warnings across the Denver area last evening.
Kent ventured out to play golf around 4:30 and by early evening,
the heavens opened up and the hail came and the rain
created a river of mud in front of our house.
It was so loud when the hail hit the windows in the front of the house.
Kent and Drew got back to our house after 8:00 and had
some leftovers and I was finally able to let Augie out to go potty.
Tossed and turned for a little while trying to go to sleep.
Slept in until 5:40 this morning which is a good thing.



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