Positive outlook~

Some weeks are hard, some days are hard and some hours in the day are hard.
Whatever this thing is with my head really bothers me and I have a 
hard time enjoying my day or even the little things in the day.
4 years now and I haven't been able to pin point what exactly it is that causes 
the tightness in my head.
I got out the neck massager and I will us it for the next few weeks so 
I can see if the tightness in my neck is causing the tightness in my head.
I ask god daily to help me understand what it is.
I pray for guidance in searching for an answer.
I pray for relief upon waking in the morning and going to bed at night.
I thank god for the life he has given me, but I find it hard
that the pain in my head is here for good.
What is the lesson in this pain?
What is it trying to teach me?
I will find the good in today, but I also want to find an answer.



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