Welcome June~

Hello June, I have been waiting for you...ha.
Yesterday we closed on the house.
Since I have somewhat of a cold, I wore a mask as to not infect anyone else
at the closing.
It went well.  We are now proud owners of a new house across the street
from Drew and Hannah and little boo.
I am so excited and will be mindful of living across the street.
Today we hope to take some things over to the house and start setting up shop.

Right before the heavens opened up with rain and hail, I went to At Home and got
some new outdoor cushions for our patio.  
I picked terra cotta color to go with our house paint.
Can't wait until we have a yard to sit and enjoy the evening sun.

Kent went and played golf with Drew and I had a nice 
relaxing call with Kristin and evening with the dogs.
To bed early, but excitement kept me up so not sure how well I slept.

Up early at 3:30 to enjoy coffee in the peaceful setting of the family room.
Tomorrow I have Kinsley for the day, and then we head to Windsor to enjoy
dinner with the family.

Looking forward to moving into the new house and making it our own.



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