One week ago today, a hike in the rain~

This says it all~

This day was awesome.  I am so glad we took gram and papa to their favorite
place up in Allenspark.
The rain came and I know they were crying and happy at the same time
knowing that we hiked in memory of them.
I love this group of people and cherish this special memory.
Missing mom and dad so much.
Wish they could be here to meet all the new people in their family.
One week ago today and the memory will live on forever.

Kristin came to our new house yesterday and helped get our living
area put together.  
We worked from about 9 in the morning until 4.
Slowly but surely we are getting things
put away.
Kent and I went and got ice cream yesterday at Freddie's and drove
by the old house.
No new owners yet.
I pray they like the house and they are good neighbors to the rest of 
133rd circle.
Scrappy is always on my mind.
Today I hope to finish putting things away and vacuum.
Happy Sunday~



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