Our goodbye hike for gram and papa~

Sunday was wonderful!
Aside from the rain, we didn't let it dampen our spirits, we hiked little rocky.
Left Kristins a little before 10, forgot mom and dad's ashes, had to have Mark
bring them to us, got to Allenspark in a bit of a cloud cover, but no rain,
went to the little brown house, and started the hike.
We took a picture at the Wylie cabin.
Thank goodness no one was there.

First selfie before the little stream.

Clouds were beautiful, but full of rain.

Made it to little rocky, Tod decided to sit at the bottom of the rock.
Kudos to Tod for coming with us.

Mom and dad went on a bush, in the little bird pool, and
in a crack between 2 rocks.

I forgot a hat and got pretty wet.

There is the after picture of the sprinkle crew.

Made our way down the rock.  Very slippery, but very nice.

Reconnected with Tod for another group picture.
As if to say, we did it come rain or shine.

Everything is so green up there.  No dead weeds yet.

The trek down the ski slope.

Kinda steep.

Goodbye gram and papa and the little cabin.
See you when the weather is nicer.



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