Nature's peace~

I had the pleasure of working in the yard yesterday.
I was able to plant some Dianthus and help Drew straighten out his tree.
The sun felt good on my arms and my back.
It's been awhile since I have had my hands in the dirt.
Drew and I ventured to Walmart where I got Brent a little spruce tree and
Kinsley a little play pool.
We then headed to Lowe's where I got some brick stones for a 
little boarder around our front tree.
I am 2 stones short so I will head back to Lowes today and get the
other stones.
I have Kinsley today and it's going to be hot so it's a good thing
we have the baby pool.
Brent was here to go to the Rockies game with Kent.
Drew and Hannah had us over for dinner in their backyard.
It was wonderful being with the group.
Today (Monday) the landscape guys continue to work in the backyard.
Part of the retaining wall is up and they will but
the drainage hoses in the ground.
It's coming along.



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