Headache and smoke from the fires~

Tuesday I woke up with a headache and it lasted until I went to bed last night.
I think it was a combination of the smoke from recent fires, the heat, and
thinking about what still needs to be done with the new house.
I worry about Brent and Noelle and their new house.
It has been a thorn in their side since the day they moved in.
Water problems, electrical problems, stove problems, mold, AC problems...
just to name a few.
They were so excited about buying their first house.  These past 
few months have been a living hell.
I am not saying we should have everything work right all the time, 
but give them a break, they have had nothing but hardship since their
I pray god puts a healing hand on them and they can 
live out their days in the comfort of their new home.

I went to the thrift store yesterday.  Got some new plastic plates for the summer.
I went to the one on Thornton and also to the one in Broomfield.
I continues on to Walmart for some groceries and then home for lunch.
Kent and I took the dogs to get their nails clipped.
Came home and talked to Kristin on the phone for awhile.
Made Mexican food for dinner and had Drew and Kinsley over.
Minus the headache, it was a really nice day.
They are coming along with the yard and hope to be done with it 
on Thursday.



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