Monday and Kinsley Bear~

Mondays with Kinsley are some of my favorite days.
She got dropped off by Drew and immediately sat with her pop pop.
Together they sat and watched Danial Tiger.
She and I went to Lowes and Walmart to get a few things.
She is such a good girl and loves to walk by herself and she sat
for me in the Walmart cart.

Got home and she had a little snack before she took a nap at 10:30.

When she got up, we went outside and played in the water for 
a little while.
She loves Anna and Elsa and now has a swimsuit to fit her personality.

I walked Augie last night and the sky looked pink/orange/red.
When the sun was behind the clouds it looked really red.
My thoughts always go to "there is a fire somewhere" and this morning
I saw on the news that there is a fire on the western slope of Colorado.
I hope and pray the fire season is not bad this year.
We have had lots of summer fires in our state.
I pray this in not the season.

They didn't work on the yard yesterday.  They will start back up again
today and hopefully finish by Thursday.
So excited to get it done.



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