A little exercise each day~

I am going at it slowly as to not get hurt or get burned out.
I had such a fun holiday that it is now time to get back into 
shape and drop a few pounds.
Everybody loves to eat including me.  I indulged a little, but little ones become big
I have Kinsley today so is we can get out, I hope to take her to the rec center 
to burn off steam.
Who knows, sometimes she just likes to sleep at grams house.
Its been a cold and snowy last couple of days.
I did get out and shovel yesterday morning since we got about 2-3 inches
of snow.
We took the kids to Sam's club and they got some things for their new house.
I sewed a new tea towel for the winter months.
A Buffalo Bills player got hurt last night in the game and our prayers go 
out to him.  I don't think it sounds to good on his recovery, but they are
running tests and he is in critical condition.
Happy January 3rd.



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