Austin's lunch and a trip to FC~

Friday, Kristin and I ventured to FC to get her earrings checked out and have
lunch with Murray and Reenie.
We went to Austin's and enjoyed wonderful food and fellowship.
Always love getting together with my sibs and enjoying food.
FC is where I grew up until I moved to California.  It used to be my home,
but now it doesn't hold any memories.
The mall where I used to work at is closing Macy's and there are only a few
stores holding the mall together.
Most shops are on the outside of the mall.
Without mom and dad there, my trips up north are very few.
Hard to believe Denver area is now my home and I have lived here longer than
living in FC. was nice to see Murray and Reenie.
Not sure when we will get together as a group anymore.
Everyone has their own life and events happening so finding
a time to all get together is hard.
I think I have a stuffy nose, maybe a little cold.
Kinsley had a runny nose last week so I guess it was my turn.
Today I will clean out stuff in the basement and get things ready to move
with Brent and Noelle.



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