Frozen and a hard day with Kent~

I love how little boo loves this movie.
She knows some words from it and it makes me laugh.
This little bit of sunshine in my life is fantastic.
I really do love my 2 days with her.
It takes my mind off of other things that are happening right now.

Yesterday was a difficult day.
Kent got into one of his tangents about the dog.
He gets stuck on a topic and won't let it go and then it excalates and he
can't come down from the high.
He missed his doctor's appointment because his car kept telling him to 
go the wrong way.  He is angry.  Seems he is angry all the time.
It wears on my and I am not sure any amount of exercise will help
me cope with his outbursts.
I almost feel like there is something else going on.
Something deeper inside his head.
I slept awful last night.
Tossed and turned and thought way too much.
Drew was over for a couple of hours because their house was getting inspected.
I love my boys so much and I love when they can come over.
I ask god for strength in this season of my life.
Things are tough right now, and
personalities are clashing.
Today is a different day and hopefully one without yelling and saying
bad words.




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