Cabela's and the rec center~

We took the dogs to  Cabela's yesterday to walk around the store and to 
visit Susan in the shoe department.
Augie and Sunny love her cause she gives them treats and loves on them.
Both dogs peed on the floor in the store.  Now I expect that from Augie, 
but from Sunny...that's new.
We also drove by Drew and Hannah's new house.  It's big and nice and 
will be good for their family.
Lots of snow and mud in the area. 

I took my new water bottle and headed to the rec center to walk the track.
The track is very popular with couples walking.  I hope Kent gets to join soon
so he can walk around the track.
The kids made spaghetti for dinner and I made a loaf of fresh bread for
garlic toast.
Football was the name of the game yesterday so I played on my phone all afternoon.
Today will be exercise and walking and getting ready for Kinsley tomorrow.
It was a full weekend with food so I am back on track today with
eating right and light.



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