Beauty and being yourself~

Yesterday at senior exercise class, I had a talk with a nice lady.
She has taken a break from exercise for a few months.
Not sure why, but she came back.
I decided 3 weeks ago to get back into doing things for me.
I signed up again for classes and I walk when I can.
I got my eyes checked and found out I have cataracts and will need
them taken out in a couple of years.
We have had Brent and Noelle staying with us since October.
It has been nice having someone here to cook for.
Max has enjoyed being with the dachshunds, but barks at everything.
My house looks like a bomb went off...and it will be that way for a 
few more months.
Drew and Hannah sold their house and will move in with us the end of February.
We lose Brent and Noelle in a week or so and then we gain
Drew and Hannah and the baby and 2 more dogs in 4 weeks.
I am so blessed to have my children close by
and cherish the time I get to spend with the baby.
I will continue to be myself in this time of change.
I will work on my health and my mind and fix the things that need to be fixed.
2023 is looking to be a busy year so far.
Full of craziness and full of love.



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