A letter to Kent on his retirement~


Dear Kent,

I wanted to take a minute and write down the things that I am so thankful for while being married to you.  From the first time I met you, I knew life wouldn't be the same and adventures would be made.

I choose to celebrate the person you were, the person in-between and the person you are today.  

Here in no particular order are the many things that I am thankful for that make you...you.

Your hard work at your jobs, being a great dad, coach, best friend to all, and wonderful, supporting husband.  You take family very seriously and would drop everything to visit your family/friends in need.  Traditions are so important to you.  Taking a vacation to the same place for the past 60+ years is something you love to do.  

Words and conversations some easily to you.  That's one thing that attracted me to you.  Your ease at keeping a conversation going.  When you first meet someone, it's feels like you have known them forever.  You just have that way of putting someone at ease.

Your kindness is so refreshing.  You are there to give a hand, pay for a strangers meal, snow blow a neighbors sidewalk, provide a ride to an event, coach baseball and basketball, help financially, help your children, and support a friend who is going through a tough time.

When I was going through my cancer journey, you were there for me in so many ways.  I will never be able to thank you for all you did and continue to do.

Thank you for letting our family get dogs.  From the moment we got Suzy, then Gretchen, Chip, Barron, Sunny and Augie,  you have never complained about having so many dogs in our family.  Thank you also for being there when it was time to say goodbye to them.  

On this your retirement year, I wish you health, happiness and a life of living out your best.  I wish for you more fishing, hunting, spending time with your children and grandchildren, walking the dogs, going to the mountains, visits with your family and mine, and lots of vacations.

Thank you for being a great husband, father, son, uncle, friend and mentor.  Nothing you have done will ever be forgotten.  I love you now as I loved you then and pray that time will give us lots of days to enjoy your retirement.

Here's to you Kent, may you continue to live life just as you are.  Don't change, cause that's what we love about you.  

I love you with all my heart and look forward to growing old with you.

Happy Retirement!!!!

Love, Susan


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