The Mendlebright sisters~

Time spent on the phone with Kristin is never wasted.
We talk for hours.
Mark and Kent call us the Mendlebright sisters.
Pretty much true except there is no party line.
Yesterday we talked about everything from babies to children to husbands
to mom and dad and more. 
We talked about health and doctors and exercise.
We just talk and talk and that is a good thing.

I had Kinsley for a few hours in the morning while her mommy 
and daddy took baby Walker to the doctor.  He is back up to his
birth weight and is so sweet.
Kinsley had some breakfast and we played puzzle and matching games.
We watched Miss Rachel and waited for her parents to return
and take her home.
I love this little peanut with all my heart.  She is coming down with 
a cold so I am not sure if she is going to daycare or not.

It 's going to be a deep freeze this week so the plans to go to FC for
a visit on Saturday might come to a halt.
Mom's birthday is on Saturday, she would have been 91.
We were going to take balloons to the cemetery and have 
lunch out, but we will see what the weather brings.

They start on my planter boxes today and I pray it is warm enough
for them to set the cement in the ground.




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