Sunday at the park~

Sunday, Hannah, Kinsley, Walker and myself ventured to the
park by our house.
It was a warm January day with temps in the high 50's with
little to no wind.  A perfect day for the park.
One has to be pretty fast when trying to capture pictures of little boo.
She knows to say cheese when the camera comes out, but her
cheese smiles are pretty forced.
So we practice saying other words.
And then I snap away, trying to catch her not being silly.

I got a few good pictures before she was on to me and didn't want
me to take anymore.

Today we venture to the zoo.  It is going to be another nice day
so hopefully we can see the fish at the zoo.

Kent and I watched a movie called The Hill.
A movie about a kid wanting to play baseball and overcoming 
adversity with several health problems.
It made me reevaluate my life and think about doing
things out of my comfort zone.
If a 9 year old boys can set his mind to making the big league,
then I can do it too.
Baby steps...and one step at a time.



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