Wednesday was cold and the wind was awful~

We are having a cold spell here in our neck of the woods and
pretty much in the whole US. 
We had just a dusting of snow the other day and that is gone,
but they are calling for snow today, especially in the mountains.
Yesterday I filled out my paper work for the cardiologist.
Reviewed family history with Kristin and talked on the phone with 
her for a little while.
Kent had physical therapy and when he was done, he brought home 
Taco Bell for lunch.
The wind howled and blew so hard yesterday.  
Wind is my least favorite weather pattern.
I hate wind!!!
I need to give the dogs a bath, I have been waiting for a warm day.
I will probably have to wait until February. 
Looks like we are in for a cold snap for a few days.
Mom's birthday is on the 13th.
Had plans to go to FC for a visit and lunch, but that might not happen now.
My days are quite boring and I need to up my game right now.
With Kent being retired and here all day long, I need to get out more.
I might venture out to the rec center and inquire about 
a membership.
I might sew and I might bake.
I do know I will not be taking the dogs to the park...ha.



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