Guess who came for dinner last night~

Wednesday evening the kids brought the Shepards pie over for dinner
at our house.
I had the pleasure of holding little Walker.
This time he didn't cry as I held him for about 45 minutes.
The dogs were fascinated with him.
Both Sunny and Augie needed to be close to him and smell him.

He is just over a week old and is the most beautiful baby.
I love him with all my heart.
Kinsley is adapting to the new routine (kind of).  This has been a little hard for her.
She was over last night too, but really didn't want to have anything to 
do with papop or mammy.
Time, we need to give her time.

Yesterday was a tough day for me.
My eyes, head and neck were awful.
I find it increasingly hard to cope with the day to day discomfort.
A new year and a new insurance plan and yet I have
no desire to pursue the movement specialist.
I will call the cardiologist office today and see when 
I can get into their office.  I am banking on 3 months from now.
Today, Kent and I will venture to the outlet stores to return an 
outfit I got for Kinsley.
Nothing else planned for today.



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