Tuesday heat wave and the rec center~

 For the past few days the temperatures here in our area have been below 0.  We are talking all the way down to -9 and it has been very cold for me and the dogs.  Yesterday, however, it got up to the 30's and it felt like a heat wave.  

Kent and I ventured out to the rec center and I road the bike while he walked on the track.  We met a nice instructor named Kim and she helped Kent with the bike so he could ride a little while on it.  It will be a slow road to getting him to do some exercise, but we are on that road and taking it slow.  Our goal is slow and steady.  

This morning when I let the dogs out, it felt quite balmy.  I pray our little cold snap is over and we can just have a normal winter with snow and sun.  We will have snow on the ground for a week or so, but at least it's not bone chilling cold.

Kent is coming down with a cold, pretty sure he got it from Kinsley, but this nice thing is it usually only last 7 days.

Had a nice visit with Kristin on the phone yesterday.  I made banana bread and muffins and we had fried chicken from KS for dinner.

Finally got my Cigna insurance figured out.  That was a pain...glad it's done.


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