A movie date with Drew and Kinsley~

Drew and I took little boo to the movies yesterday.
We loaded up on candy, pop corn and pop and sat in our reclining seats.
Haven't been to this movie theater in forever.
So much has changed in this area and in the theater.
Little boo is starting to get a cold...so she only made it through part of the movie.

With blankie and candy and pop corn, we sat and waited patiently for
the movie to start.

Thanks Drew and Kinsley for a wonderful Sunday afternoon.

Kinsley made it through the first 15 minutes of the movie and was then in Lala land
fast asleep in her chair.
Took her home and Drew said she fell asleep right away in her bed.
Later that afternoon, Hannah and little boo came over for tissues.
I pray this little cold stays away from us.



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