Day one at mammy's house~

This little peanut slept from 7:00 on Wednesday night to well after 8:00am on 
Thursday.  She always sleeps very well at my house.  Must
be the little tiny bed she sleeps in...ha.

This is what she looked like when I came to get her in the morning.
Surrounded by her stuffed animals, she is always warm
and comfy. 
She had a wonderful breakfast of French toast and eggs.
We changed clothes and she was ready for the day.
I kept her home from daycare because she slept in so late.

We watched trash truck in the morning and had some nice quiet time.
After lunch and after her nap, I promised I would take her to 
get ice cream so off to Chick fil a we went for a 
cone and a brownie.

She pretty much ate the whole thing.

I remember when my dad would take my boys to the donut shop
in FC and let them get a donut and chocolate milk.  
The memories are so strong.

We then headed over to the orchard and played on the playground.
She found a little boy named Asher and had fun playing with him.

Thank goodness there was a net covering the playground or it would
have been really hot.

It's a nice little play yard. 

We finished up and drove home and I stuck her in the bathtub. 
She stood for the whole bath and wouldn't sit down.
Not sure what that's about, but I washed her parts with her standing.

She had a grilled cheese and blueberries for dinner and
it was off to bed after her favorite part of trash truck.



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