My doc appts and making a difference in myself~

Remember that positive thought.

I had a doctor's appt. yesterday.  I waited 3 maybe 4 weeks for it.
I wanted to discuss the feelings I have been having in my head for 
what feels like 4 years.  It's very hard for me to pin point exactly what it 
feels like.  I arrived at what seemed like a quiet doc's office.  Usually there
is a waiting room full of people, but not today.  I was taken back, weighed...ugh, and
sat in a room and proceeded to tell the nurse what I was experiencing.  
My words seem to fumble and I can't get out what is really going on 
in my head.  I tell her about my eyes, and my head and my ears.
I have been trying to find the right words and they fail me.
Cathlyn comes in and I find myself doing the same with her.
It's like no other sensation I have ever felt before except for the
fact I have had it for 4 years now.
I have suffered with it while my parents were in Morning Star.
I thought it was stress with their Alzheimers.
Thought it would go away after they both passed away...but no.
I thought it was something in our old house that was causing me
to have eye problems, but no, we moved and I have it here too.
Any hoo...I told her about the ringing in my ears and how
it gets worse at night and wakes me up to change positions.
She has referred me to a ENT. 
She also got lab work ordered for me.
Lab work looks fine, but my A1C is still going up.
I will call the ENT today to get on the books and I will find out
what I can do to help my A1C go down.
In the meantime, my head and eyes continue to be a challenge.
Dear god, what is the lesson you are trying to teach me, and
how long to I have to wait for an answer ?

After my doc appt. I drove through McDonald's and ordered breakfast.
The meal was going to cost around 9.00 so I got out of line and 
came home and ate there.  What happened to the dollar menu?
Wow, sticker shock deluxe!!!!
Had papa murpheys pizza for dinner and took the dogs on a short
walk to the park.
Today is a new day.



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