I need a sign~

I seem to let things fester inside me until I give myself a headache
and a bad attitude.
Yesterday was one of those days.
Got a call from Honda that they will be making my car in October and it 
will be here by Christmas.  This was not what the dealer said a few weeks ago
and I was furious.  I am wanting to sell my car to Brent and this puts them
without a car for another few months.
I know I shouldn't worry about other peoples problems, but
I want to help them as much as I can.
Kent is dealing with the whole situation...I should just let go and let god.
I am not very good at letting go.

We took the dogs to the outlet mall to walk around.
Augie seemed nervous the whole time.
We then took the dogs to Cabella's to see Susan in the 
shoe department.  He did a little better there.
Kent let me get a crumble cookie so I got 4.
Came home and had leftover spaghetti and tried a little of each cookie.
Watched tv and went to bed around 8:15.

Today seems like a better day and I will head to FC to walk in 
the ALZ walk with Kristin, Murray and his family.
I need to feel like this area is my home and really enjoy being
out in the country before the country gets gobbled up with houses.
I want to plant more plants to make our yard feel warm and inviting.
Everything is so expensive!!!!
Even the 1/2 price stuff that looks like crap is too much right now.
I need a sign that everything will be ok.  I need a sign that I am 
doing a good job in life
I just need a sign~



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