The kids in Chicago, Kinsley and 9/11~

Drew and Hannah spent a few days in Chicago for a wedding.
They both clean up pretty well.
So proud of the people they have become.
Very dedicated to their friends and family

We had the privilege of taking care of little boo.
Tried to give her a bath and wash her hair on Sunday and she cried through
the whole thing.  Later found out she hates water in her eyes.
Poor baby, nobody let me know.
After a good nap and lunch, she was back to her silly self.

Monday's are always fun with Kinsley.
Kent played golf all day so it was just her and I.
While she took her nap, I binged watched season 5 of 
Virgin River.  Somehow it gets you hooked and you can't stop
I watched a few on Sunday and more yesterday.

Yesterday was 9/11.  I remember that day so well.
I was watching the news about the first tower being hit and
right in the middle of the news, the second tower was hit.
It was such a sad day for everyone.  
The kids were in school and I remember being glued to the tv
watching the news for hours.
So many lives lost and so much tragedy.
22 years have gone by and this date is a harsh reminder of
awful people out there.



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