Little boo, her cold and my grouchiness~

Friday September 1st, I had little boo and she was still sick.
She arrived and was pretty grouchy and so we watched tv until 
she got out of her grouchy stage.
I tried laying her down for a nap around 10:30, but she wanted nothing to do
with that so she got up and helped me make cookies 
and had some blueberries.

She had blueberries all over her.

She then took her bowl and placed it on her head and said "hat".

She was a mess, but a little happier.

I then laid her down for a nap and she slept for over 2 hours.
Hannah did make her an appointment at the doctor and Drew picked
her up around 2:00 and off they went.
Hannah has company this weekend so they will be busy with her family.

I needed a gat away last night.
I have been struggling lately and I just can't seem to 
get out of this funk.
My ears ringing and my eyes hurting are enough to make me
very sad that I can't enjoy life and the simple things.
I am a good 3 pounds + this summer.  The weight is staying on
because I can't exercise or walk outside.  This makes me very sad.
I have a doc appt on Tuesday and I am hoping to get 
some answers as to why this is happening.
I sat outside with my feet in the baby pool for 30 minutes and it was
Had a hard time going to sleep and kept thinking what a failure I am
in marriage and other aspects of life.
I pray to god that he will help me through this, but
I am not sure he is listening.
I will give today my best and see if my attitude improves.



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