Dinner with Stacy~

Good Thursday Morning...
Yesterday, both Kent and I ventured out to our doc appts. 
I went to the ENT doc for a hearing test and to see if there
is some relief for my ringing  in my ears...I guess there is not.
Kent went for his MRI to check on his prostate.
His results should be back in a few days.
We also had the pleasure of having Stacy for dinner last night and
a nice visit afterwards.
We went out for sea food and then back home to show her 
Drew and Hannah's house and dogs.
They then all came over to our house for a visit, dogs and children.
Augie and Sunny really loved having Stacy here.
She showered them with hugs and kisses and they both
sat by her all night.
Today is catch up day and the kids leave for a wedding tonight.



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