The ARC, chiropractor and the blood donation site~

Yesterday I had a chiropractor appt and an appt to give blood.
The chiropractor worked on my back and neck.  It felt good.

I also had a chance to go to the ARC and look at 1/2 items.
I was able to score 2 cookbooks for 3.00.

I am so glad I am able to give blood these days.
I haven't given blood in 9+ years.
Nothing (except cancer) has changed.  
Check in, blood pressure, finger poke, personal info and a walk to 
the chair.
My techs name was Stacy and she was very quiet.
I like someone that talks to me.
It makes the time go by quickly when they visit.
I was finished in about 15 minutes and then it was off to the kitchen
for a little snack and more water.

Got home and traded places with Kent so he could go to the store and
to the car wash and where ever else he needed to go.

Took Drew and Kinsley to dinner at Sweetfire and had smoked turkey.
Came home and went to Drews to see their Halloween decorations.
Played in the water with Kinsley and watered the tree.
Watched the Voice and went to bed around 8:30.
It was a good day.



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