Sewing and welcome September~

I have been pretty busy the month of August cutting and sewing new
tea towels for fun.
It's like therapy to me cutting out new patterns and putting
them together.

Kent got up early to take his truck into the shop for hail damage.
He got all the way over there and they were short staffed and
told him to come back the end of September.
He was not a happy camper.

He and I went to lunch at the delectable egg and I had a wonderful
chicken sandwich and home fries.  He had a waffle, eggs and sausage. 
We ventured to Walmart to get a few things and they had
peaches, I am so happy cause I thought I would't find them anymore.

My afternoon was spent sewing and Kent slept in the recliner.
Today I have Kinsley for a few hours.  Her family is here from
Ohio and I think they will be doing stuff with
them this weekend.

Slept in this morning and woke with a headache.
Eyes are watering again and I am sure it's something in the
Welcome nice to have you here for awhile.



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