Saturday with Kinsley~

Saturday was day 3 with little boo.
She didn't wake up until way after 8:00am.
I finally went into the bedroom and started rubbing her back.
After a nice breakfast that papa made for her, I took off and went
to the chiropractor and Kinsley stayed with papop and watched
trash truck.
Got home and changed her into her play clothes and she was busy until
it was nap time.

Kent went and got us lunch at Canes.
Chicken for the win!
Here she is filling her in, food out.

I was hungry for an apple pie so on my way home I got some apples and
used up the crust that we had leftover from another dish.
My little helper loves the sugar apples.

Here she is in her crib.  Kinsley fills up the whole thing.

Playing outside is always fun.



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