Sunday lunch and a beautiful drive~

Sunday Sept. 3rd we drove to Colorado Springs and had a bbq with 
Brent, Noelle, her mom and dad and neighbors.
It was a beautiful drive and the sky was so blue and the mountains
were so crisp.
This picture was taken by the Air Force Academy.

Lunch was ribs, chicken, fresh fruit and pasta salad.
I made a strawberry cake for dessert.  It turned out well.
We left around 2:45 to make the trip back home.
Got home after 4:00 and the heavens opened up with rain.

I was just thinking that it had been a long time since I have seen 
a rainbow and there it was, right over the neighbors house.
A tiny bit of a rainbow, but it brought peace to my soul.

The clouds were beautiful and colorful up against the blue sky.
Not sure what we will do today.
I will go to the store this morning and get stuff to make
a casserole for dinner.  We might or might not have Drew and Hannah
here for dinner.



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