2 weeks since San Antonio and a DEXA scan~

It's been 2 weeks since we traveled to San Antonio to be with my cousin.
His wife passed on March 1st and I am sure there is a void in his
life.  He took care of her and waited on her for many years.
I pray he is finding some peace with her absence.

Yesterday I had my DEXA scan at Avista.  A very nice x-ray tech named Mary preformed 
the test.  We talked of retirement and health and covid.
No masks were required at Avista which was wonderful, however, covid is still the 
thing 3 years later.
Today I have a CT scan and a blood draw for genetic markers.
Sometimes cancer doesn't just affect one family member, it grows in others.
I pray I don't have the markers that indicate that my family is carrying them also.
I will clean my house today and dust.  My allergies seem to be pretty bad right now.
I think trees and flowers might be budding which might be the cause.
Today, no matter how I feel will be a day of picking up.

Kristin had a bummer of a day yesterday so I pray for her to have a 
better day today.
Murray's fridge broke and now it looks like they need a new one.
Life continues to throw us curve balls...



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