Easter basket, backyard, lunch and the park~

This little peanut came over yesterday morning with wet clothes on.
I had this cute little outfit that I got at the thrift store and she
looked like a little person from the past, something out of the 1970's.
She is in a size 3 and I see her growth everyday.
Her vocabulary is growing and loves to repeat everything we say.

She loved the easter eggs and carried them all around the backyard.

March 20th the first day of spring, I pulled out the easter eggs and basket
and Kinsley carried it around the backyard.
She immediately sat down in the dead leaves, I thought this was so funny.
She hasn't been out in the backyard to play for many months.
She loves to be outside!

She loves to get the dogs to sit.  Cat food was the food of choice to give them as
a treat.

The easter basket came out and the plastic eggs were a hit.
She ate a huge breakfast, took a wonderful nap, and played in the yard.
After lunch we went to the park.
I love this little peanut with all my heart.



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