Charlee, Kinsley and the backyard~

Kristin sent us some really cute pictures of Charlee in her little purple outfit.
Such a sweet little picture and an even sweeter little girl.
Kristin is getting so much better at her picture taking skills.

Kinsley and I went to the park, came home, had lunch and played in the backyard.
I tried to take some pictures of her, and this is the best I got.
Kinsley in motion...

This picture cracks my up as it looks like she is having a zen moment
with the dog ball in the chair.
A split second before this picture she had the cutest smile and I was hoping
to capture luck.
Drew and Hannah and baby joined us for dinner last night at
the Mexican restaurant close to us.
Their prices have gone way up and I am not sure how
much longer we will go there.
Things are so expensive these days.  Even the simplest things are costing
way too much money.  
I once again pray for Brent and Noelle and their housing situation and
now I pray for Drew and Hannah and theirs.  
God...continue to watch over them, protect them and guide them.



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