Friday with Kinsley and a walk at the rec center~

I ran some errands yesterday and had lunch at Panda Express.
I went to the goodwill to see if the cute water bottle was still there, no luck.
It was St. Patricks day and I had Kinsley in the morning for a few
hours so her mommy could work.
Hannah picked her up around 11:30 and I promptly went to the store and 
got some easter candy for the candy dish.
Around 2:30 I headed over to the rec center and walked my 2 miles.
I got home and walked the dogs to the park and home again.
Nothing for dinner since I was still full from lunch.
I would have rather sat in the recliner, but I need to move for my
body and my mind.

I love when the sun comes in the windows at the rec center.
Makes my walk so much more enjoyable.
Kent is visiting Gary and will be home late tonight.
Happy Saturday!!!



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