The first day of spring, new mattress and March marching along~

Today is the first day of Spring.  That usually means nothing here because we can still 
get big snowfalls in April and May, but it's nice to see the sun out
Sunday I road the bike at the rec center and did the rowing machine.
I also walked a mile on the track and to be honest, I felt pretty good.
I went to the fabric store and the goodwill and bought nothing.
I also went to Walmart and got seed starter soil for my tomatoes.
We had Drew and the baby over for hot wings and Drew
helped move the mattresses around.
I have Kinsley today and on Friday.
I get some testing done tomorrow and on Wednesday.
March is marching right along and that's fine with me.
I slept on my new mattress last night.  Not bad.
Kinda firm, but nothing too hard to handle.



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