Control how you respond~

I got a call from Connie last night and she informed me that David
was not doing well and was taken to the hospital.  
Seems he was very sick over the weekend and Connie had her daughter in law take
him to the hospital.  
She is upset that she can't go stay with him cause she has to be with Chris.
I will never think my problems are so big anymore compared to others.
Got an email from Sue Fowler and she fell a couple of weeks ago
and split her ear.  After stitches and several tests, she is walking with a walker
and getting her blood pressure under control.

My right wrist has been hurting so I took a couple of Advil and it helped.
However, the pain is back this morning.
My allergies are out of control.  I am taking Flonase hoping to breathe
without stuffiness, but this morning I am really stuffy.

I saw Suzanne Merrill yesterday and she is going through some cardiac
testing.  She had a couple of bouts of rapid heart rate and shortness of breath and
it scared her.

Kristin is being denied the medication that would build her bones.  Her insurance
sounds like a jerk and she truly needs this.

Brent and Noelle continue to work through their house projects and health.

The list goes on.  Life goes on.  Bad things happen and people move on.

The bad things in life that shape us continue to happen, and I guess I could say, that's life.
We would all love to walk the earth without obstacles , but God puts them
in our path so we can move around them and continue on with our life.



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