Saturday, dogs in the sun, tulips growing, and the thrift store~

Kent was out of town this past weekend visiting Gary Phillips.
Gary was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer a few months ago and
really wanted to see Kent.
The dogs however, missed Kent and looked for him daily.
I was able to go to the thrift stores and found a couple of tea towels to applique
I also went to Walmart and got some new jute to finish some bird feeders.
I love watching the wild life in our backyard.  Most of the times the squirrels
eat the cat food, but having the bird feeders out, they might eat the bird food now.

I planted some tulip bulbs last fall and they are starting to come up
in the backyard under the apple tree.
I can't wait to see the colors emerge.
I am ready for spring!!!
I woke up this morning thinking it was Monday.  
It's only Sunday and I think we might have lunch with the kids.



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